Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Take my hand and steady be.
Both worst and best we've yet to see.
Two abreast her and him,
we'll walk this land 'til the path grows slim.
If the lead must change, or the way grows steep,
I'm ready for what you'll ask of me.
I risk nothing that mortals can keep.
I'll sow it all for your smile to reap.
When at last all around 
the path is dark, no way back down,
sight grown dim, breath fallen still
I've gambled for things they cannot kill.
The silence will be filled, the maker praised.
But I'll sneak out with that smile I raised.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Broken Transmissions

I knew by signs and outright words the mix of watchful joy
that leavened your life: you were my dad, I was your boy.
In the charmed givings of father to son,
the gifts are in the giving though the packages may seem hollow.

By lessons technically imperfect, but indelible for their private zeal,
you explained to me volcanoes and gave me your theory of jet propulsion.
The facts were not the point of the lesson.
And when I took my physics degree I never brought up corrections.
I received that dubious machismo of pulpit and campus:
everything could be explained if mastery were delicious
or mystery too uncomfortable.

Summer weekends jeep road pilgrimage to lost sierra streams
I played at fortress building while you cast to trick the wily trout.
The freeest moments I shall ever know.
You loved the hunt, preparing months to act out the primal dreams.
You gave me a rifle the day it was legal
Initiated among the men in the freezing camp
shivering as the sun rose at your chosen blind.
Not sure my bullet bagged that buck but clear
you were effusive when I got a clean kill in my first season.
I never fished or hunted again once I left your house
Your NRA life membership did not pass down through me
I joined instead the Audubon and the AMC
I did receive a hunger for vastness smelling of pine or storm
for vista with no taint of man, my insignificance at last acceptable.
I don't quite reap the harvest your outings sought to sow
my own kids invite me to trek the hills, I always go.

You said you were born one hundred years too late
and would have been a mountain man.
A student veterinarian, you enlisted for things that never heal
You carefully gave the definition of ecology to grade school me
years before I next found the word in Fuller's Spaceship Earth.
But when they built apartments where you'd grown record crops of corn
you took up applying pesticides for a living.
The anxiety that drove you was how you would provide our next meal.
My slumber is troubled by a vision to come in my children's age
shorn in a dire disabusing from our false bounty of fossil fueled farming
privation of the excess billions it lured to birth.
I did receive your sense of scale
We cannot speak of upsetting nature's balance
when geologic time shows apparently teetering stasis
is merely decay too slow to gauge.

When yearly turning fields, your plowing finally wore
a plowshare to inefficient dullness, then with blacksmith arts
your welder and hardface rod your shower of sparks renewed its edge.
You could repair any truck's spasming engine or a tractor's broken transmission.
Disassemble the ailing machine to a jumble of grimy parts.
Replace the punctured tube or lame spring.
Each cleaned piece at last well sorted on your bench,
you rediscovered from a working store of first principles or just remembered
how each goes back in to a right order and orientation
and exactly how hard to turn the wrench.
Little me watched you as you gashed your knuckles and vividly swore
until the balky fuming complexity was off and running to haul 'til its next session.
You gave me the run of your shop.
but i received the violent impatience you blasted at incompetent tools
and the dangerous confidence that anything can be fixed.

You read us Rudyard Kipling instead of TV night
On long rides in you pickup, you had Housman to recite.
Ale did more than Milton could for you.
But the coming of Yeats does more for me.
I must be of my generation, expecting more to be disturbed
Than to be certain or even free.
I did receive your ear for the music of the spoken word ...
But in a minor key.

Other loves came down in tact, the ones that brought you calm
Your scratchy 78s of Beethoven and Franck
Are my CDs of Bach, Satie and Brahms

But better far than any thing of yours you hopefully passed on
Was how you'd note when my gaze inclined to where you'd never gone
And say or hint the world was mine and my own stars were there to follow

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Caution or romance...pick one.

If you are careful when falling in love to avoid that which will hurt, you will avoid falling in love.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Gods knowable and gods imaginable

Eros is the shabbiest god, just as your preacher taught.
That he rules us more surely than all others is not so odd:
He lives on earth and touches us, the others are just thought.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Both are an illusion

One face in the mirror.
You know beneath that surface lies
collection of appetites, train wreck of experiences,
log jam of logics, mob of motives
Ah for the sweet peace of having one most important objective
one passion behind which others naturally took their place
And whatever got neglected or rejected took it with quiet grace

Grateful we should always be that our lives can turn upside down
our own self the willing wrecking crew, heart pounding past all reason
when the right woman comes to town.
Then mirror shows a simple creature at the cusp of mating season
rather than a painted balloon stretched with diverging wind.

what do you crave more, the girl or the oneness of your mind?

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Unnatural distinctions are naturally slippery

Don't put yourself down when you find you have mistaken lust for love. You may have had both for a moment because evolution has short circuited the two together.

Lust barely suffices for the increase of our numbers and by itself increases our strife by the long tail of its unfunded consequences. Love suffices for the increase of our civilization. How lucky are they that hold the mixture, ever new, between them.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

This sentiment would be an ill omen

Do not try to close my heart to others, for in my weakness, I may close my heart to you.

Love, pro and con

I didn't pass the test so I am writing poetry without a license. Its a great excuse to skip the careful explanations and leap over the thorny parts.

The sociobiologists have logic to fit all of this
As if their years of study actually matter.
In a minute some he sees some she with flat tummy and slender waist
And imagines he knows what bends him to make chase...
But she showed that tummy to the one she’d picked to make it fatter.
His coursing energies and rising spirits sneak the word "forever"
Into his promises and her hopes. Isn't nature clever,
And aren't we the dopes? Sans this itch, would humans be a race?
For that pulsing moment, its shadows branching across the farest future,
Is all that need be wired in our natures beyond an instinct to nurture.
Getting all the good PR, that instinct, in its guise as life long bond
May be the exception but it rules when we are fond.
All that extra forebrain abhors the direct so a layering takes place.
We court, we wed, we decorate that moment beyond all recognition.
Hiding the sweet bite at the end of a long menu, yoking our one spark,
To make it carry causes from village to dynasty, we labor in the dark.
But we are survived.
Cradling grand children, the nearest thing to permanence we shall ever taste.

When love, like a good gene, does this job, no theory's needed
What of all the hurt? Is it not as real as the feeling love's forever?
More real, most would say. For any prospective pairing, odds are high
That they be cursed by the triggering of instincts in rank asymmetry.
Then flows all hell in song or violence at love gone awry.
Misery’s from the expectation that you’d have the snuggle without the struggle.
To the lovesick a bit of advice, though it is seldom heeded:
While you measure out the spot where you will swoon,
Kick around this thought: "Self inflicted wound".

Can we square the precarious product of our infatuations
With talk of eternity that bubbles at their inaugurations?
A simple spiritual geometry convinces to my satisfaction:
The instinct is loaded for the ultimate consequences of its action.
Knowing respect for their final purpose moved all ventures that ever thrived,
Our maker lets us glimpse the horizons to be reached by our attraction.
So love, like PI, is irrational yet perfectly draws the circle of life.

Swell. Birds do it. Bees do it. With humans is there much more to it?
You may doubt our ways of love reveal some gift, external and divine
Your troubles may leave you challenged to see it all as good design.
Then strip to the being you always are come joy or come strife.
Ask. What, to the mirror, can your heart of hearts say?
Who I love and how I love them make me what I am.
Identity is a reward for having things we will never betray.
They are incomplete who like to stray
And broken beings who do not give a damn.

Before the oldest profession came the oldest war

The power of love has forever battled the love of power. Still no winner, a few local truces are holding.

Love is also...

almost a disease and at the same time almost a cure.